What Grinds My Gears
Dasol Group You know what really grinds my gears? When consultants come up to me and want to charge $200 per hour for some sort of service when there is no way I will ever see a return. Getting a return on a business investment can be a tricky thing. Every business owner wants a return. Some returns are simple. Pay $100 for a product, sell it for $200. Done. Others are not that simple. My good friend Gabe always tells me, "You cannot manage what you cannot measure." I have lived by this statement ever since he said it. Let's take a step back. What I love about software, is the funds are easier to manage, at least in my mind. Paying a company $500 per month, for SEO, $100 for Adwords. Then reports show 1000 users to the site, 50 sign up, 10 stay. It's easy to see that for $600, X amount of revenue was brought in. Now let's get back to the subject. I get solidly annoyed when someone proposes ...